Friday, September 4, 2020
Fostering Sociability in Learning Networks †
Question: Examine about the Fostering Sociability in Learning Networks. Answer: Presentation Web based life stages if all around oversaw can be of extraordinary lift to the activities of any global enterprises. Its the best and best just as proficient method of associating different large organizations that have a typical enthusiasm of business development. Through such stages a great deal of thoughts identifying with business are traded therefore boosting this segment. Utilization of online life has been the best approach that numerous organizations have adjusted. They are unavoidable if any business has the vision of developing and staying pertinent to their customers. Such stages incorporate the utilization of twitter, facebook and connected in. in as much as these media are of significance to business, they anyway should be utilized viably and with a ton of alert to guarantee the dangers are kept to the base. Utilization of internet based life to improve information sharing A MNC is a type of big business which works in various nations yet its administration is done from one focal nation. In such manner then online life assumes incredible jobs, for example, in subject matters sharing (Ellison et al., 2007). With web based life stages venture the board is improved and the rate at which specific information is spread among partners is expanded. Data can be shared through the making of systems that are exceptional and such data can be shared effectively by means of an electronic information the executives frameworks. This framework can be utilized in the catch, maintenance and correspondence of results from ventures and furthermore significant information from staff. This framework forestalls the depleting of information and preparing is given because of certain events (Mostaghimi and Crotty, 2011). The utilization of smaller scale web journals, YouTube, twitter and face book bunches empowers human asset proficient and the pioneers that are in the learning procedure to strengthen the information sharing soul on all the venture stages found in the scattered workforces. Learning instruments are effortlessly posted on these stages in the progression of every day work and this decreases age-period. There has been a gigantic rate increment in long range interpersonal communication and program based sharing of documents in numerous corporate systems (Hooff and Huysman, 2009). With the utilization of online life one can get to information or look for explanation by just asking specialists in the corporate hover inside the made social stage without having to booking one on one gathering. This saves money on schedule and assets. Blog arrangement can be made and be utilized for web based preparing of new staffs or to enhance the information base of its staff. Words and video clasps can be made and imparted to ease. Great blogging strategies can be educated by specialists in a corporate business condition where their staff can get to guidelines on zones, for example, peruser driven composition and get familiar with a ton. There is likewise the utilization of a specialist index which can be utilized to rearrange and improve the association of specialists in different topics to their pa rt associations. Catalogs can be made where they take the essence of face book and through them one can get to the different skills and ability of individuals and the kind of undertakings they are taking a shot at (Kaplan and Haenlein, 2010). This has been accomplished by means of LinkedIn where individuals can share and trade information relying upon their specialized topic. Utilization of web based life to construct social capital Its obvious through exploration that social capital can be manufactured by means of online systems, for example, face book and twitter. Its through online ties that are all the more holding that the adequacy of these stages in producing social capital has been felt. Close systems are effectively made in these structures. Associations are generally settled through internet based life for instance twitter can prompt the arrangement of around two types of social capital and they incorporate the spanning and holding capital. The holding social capitals are progressively pertinent in the global companies. In which trust and standards are work in such existing gatherings. Comparable to social capital informal organizations have an incentive to an extraordinary expand. This is on the grounds that social capital is the aggregate estimation of every informal organization just as whatever emerges from these gatherings to get things done for each other (Burke et al., 2011). With holding social capital, the tires between individuals that are as of now associated are reinforced. This is conceivable by means of locales like face book. In this site the vast majority definitely know one another and in this way such existing connections are continued onward. With the crossing over of social capital individuals with business thoughts that didn't have any acquaintance with one another get the opportunity to be associated and accordingly can find some basic business purposes of convergence. This is for the most part conceivable on twitter. Through this stage little discussions about some business thoughts may emerge and develop into extraordinary thoughts. this is accomplished by means of remarks, notices and likes. A definitive cash of social capital is trust and this can be handily constructed by means of internet based life through the consistent associations. A few jokes might be gathered and kept in goggle docs spreadsheets (Ellison et al., 2007). Social capital is subsequently observed to increment with expanded accessibility of data and arrangements by means of online networking stages, for example, the declaration of unique dates and occasions for the worldwide partnership on their social stages. Utilization of internet based life to help advancement The capability of web based life in driving advancement has not been generally abused by its numerous clients. The advancement vital objectives can be incorporated in the correspondence system of any global enterprise (Sie, et al, 2012). On the off chance that the two procedures are organized together exponential open doors are given in the improvement and advancement of administrations and items that the organizations might be advancing. This gives the client a stage to co makes. The standards of development are quickly changing and the significance of web based life is expanding. For this situation the online networking stages, for example, twitter and face book are making it capable for the organizations to increase a more extensive effort and more cooperation particularly from obscure networks and individuals. The sudden impacts can be all around focused by the online networking and make great masses. These stages can keep the entryways of exchange open and consequently extremely responsive. For example a twitter client care handle can be made and hence have an incredible effect (Vitak, 2014). This considers a faster and productive trade of criticism. While dealing with developments utilizing web-based social networking clients thoughts can be collected assembled and broke down. Along these lines both the clients and the included organizations win as in the client feels fulfilled and acknowledged and the organizations enhance their developments. The organizations included can utilize the aggregate keenness of the network in the formation of new items. Brand promotion and devotion is additionally upgraded if the clients are engaged with the dynamic (Sloep, 2009). A few organizations, for example, Dell and LEGO have utilized such stages in which they welcome client thoughts in administration and item improvement and this has seen them make different new items every year. At the point when one spotlights on the conventional advancement techniques in this serious business world, for example, center gatherings they may drop bankrupt. This is on the grounds that they are tedious and in this manner there is requirement for their replacem ent utilizing internet based life. Its been demonstrated that those organizations that are grasping the utilization of online life for item advancement have increased more business benefits, quicker appropriation and time to the market, low expenses of items and the improvement costs have likewise been believed to be low (Krmer, et al., 2014). Web based life developments have come about to a piece of the pie that is high and the improvement of the income for items. Utilization of web based life in critical thinking Regardless of being global partnerships, these organizations likewise have issues that they experience in the running of their organizations. These difficulties can be fathomed incompletely or completely through utilization of web based life. A portion of the issues and digger they can be illuminated incorporate; Weak brand mindfulness; if their image mindfulness is frail online life can be utilized to contact a more extensive crowd. Different advances can be taken in first recognizing whatever that makes the companys items significant and characterize why individuals ought to pick them and not their rivals. Approach the clients via web-based networking media stages like you are one on one and obviously show why they should be picked (Marwick and Boyd, 2011). Decrease in the client maintenance; its more hard to obtain another client than it is to keep up the old ones. Its accordingly important to utilize soil media to keep in contact with clients. The social channels ought to hence be taken like the regions where potential clients hang out. Be as responsive as conceivable to the clients through utilization of a network administrator. Poor online notoriety; the web based rating locales ought not be enabled to control the companys business. Moves ought to be made promptly to hold the clients trust in the organization if whatever is slanting isn't anyplace close to reality. Yet, anyway this ought not be expected altogether. The clients can be headed to one discussion channel which effectively courses them to the audit destinations that are increasingly positive. Low pursuit perceivability; this can be tackled by improving inquiry perceivability on goggle (Lightle, 2010). The organization can distribute connections to the substance that are i mmediate to their site. On face book this can be accomplished utilizing face book advertisements. Declining associations with clients; it has been a test to hold associations among organizations and clients o an individual level. The clients ought to be associated with the organization in an important manner to acculturate the brand and expand on great connections. Its along these lines important to screen the social channels and gi
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Olde good thing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Olde beneficial thing - Essay Example Be that as it may, the outrageous differentiation of the tranquil Emma’s voice and the third world neighborhood environmental factors made despairing feeling. Like the title of the melody I was tuning in to, some time ago, the town had its Renaissance period; Things like road lights and huge structures were old, yet they didn’t look modest. I was unable to locate the antique shop I was searching for, so I made two or three temporary re-routes, and I at last discovered it. Be that as it may, since there was no parking area, I needed to go to open stopping over the road. At that point, I needed to walk a hundred yards to get to the shop. Strolling a road like that was really frightful in Detroit even in daytime, yet there was something that revealed to me it was alright to go for a stroll with a costly camera on my neck. Anyway, my sense made me continue taking a gander at my back as an African meerkat. There were a couple of vagrants with staple trucks, however no risky components. The structure I was strolling to was a straightforward rectangular shape with antique point by point decorations around its windows. I get it was at one time an extravagant townhouse. A fenced empty part before the structure caused the hood to appear to be much progressively barren. One corner of the structure divider was loaded up with revolting spray painting. The structure was joined with two distinct structures associated together; the huge one was white-painted block building, and the littler one was a red block building. The red one had blurred sediment around its windows. I thought there had been a genuine fire quite a while in the past. There were many traffic signs around the structure with wrote notes on some of them. Over the primary passage, it stated, ‘Architectural Treasure’ in dark paint on white foundation. Close to the fundamental passage, a scary comedian face around five feet tall was chuckling at me. As tall as the terrifying face, a major yellow penc il that had red eraser on the opposite side askew remained close to the jokester. The store depended on an establishment of
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Hamlet Critical Perspectives Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Hamlet Critical Perspectives - Essay Example This was right around a prerequisite, since England was enduring an onslaught from numerous countries, including Rome and the Catholic church, because of Henry VIII (her dad) breaking with the Vatican during his rule. However by the beginning of the seventeenth century, the sovereign was in her late sixties and to cite the French represetative De Maisse â€Å"She kept the front of her dress open, and one could see the entire of her bosom†¦and†¦ Her chest is to some degree wrinkled†. As such Doctor Lavery draws the correlation of her and the older Gertrude, with whom Hamlet can't shroud his sicken when she weds Claudius (Lavery). Another contemporary perspective that Lavery trusts Shakespeare utilized as a primary subject for the play was retribution, particularly when it related to debasement in government. Genuine Hamlet looked for genuine blood retribution for his dad the ruler was killed by his own sibling so as to hold onto the seat. In any case, he likewise pond ered a considerably more serious issue in that the legislature ought to be toppled, with viciousness if fundamental, on the off chance that it is regarded to be unworkable. Maybe the establishing fathers of the United States gained well from Hamlet and utilized his thoughts when they chose to withdraw from England well longer than a century later. On the other hand it has been said by others that the motivation for Hamlet was a Latin work from the thirteenth century called Vita Amlethi, a long time before Elisabeth’s Tudor government had been set up. Hamlet utilizes numerous legendary references in the work, alongside chronicled figures blended to fanciful status. For example, the Roman ruler Julius Caesar (who was a focal figure in a significant number of Shakespeare’s works) was referenced in multiple times in the play, for the most part as a component of Hamlet’s play inside a play. Talking about his uncle Claudius, Hamlet alludes to him as a satyr, the tanke d bozo in Roman folklore from which we get the word parody. Obviously figures from the Judaic Christian conviction framework is intensely referenced from the conspicuous references to Cain and Abel (Claudius slew his sibling), the homeless person Lazarus, Saints Peter, Patrick and James, to Jesus Christ himself. Indeed, even the franticness of Hercules from Greek folklore is acquired from, to reference the whole subject of craziness in the play. In his work Teaching Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Douglas Grudzina contends that the dad of analysis, Sigmund Freud and his protege Carl Jung took a gander at the fanciful parts of Hamlet when Jung said â€Å"some legends are rehashed since forever in societies and periods that couldn't in any way, shape or form have had any contact with one another†as in the Greeks and Chinese having essentially similar stories. Jung accepted that this idea was particularly obvious comparable to strict convictions. Each culture fundamentally has con fidence in creation and an eternal life. In view of Shakespeare’s own convictions, that would in this way clarify the spooky appearance of Hamlet’s father, asking that his child vindicate him (Grudzina). The women's liberation of Hamlet, or absence of it, has been all around recorded, particularly in the late twentieth century and one of the most well known of those was the appalling Ophelia, whose possible franticness was brought about by her abuse from most if not the entirety of the guys she experienced. For a character so elegantly composed about by such a large number of researchers, she shows up
The Principle Idea Found In Sura 2 Is Not Only The Notion Of Gods Omn
The standard thought found in Sura 2 isn't just the idea of God's omniscience (the way that he is all knowing), yet additionally the possibility of God's outrageous generosity (his giving soul). The content additionally focuses on two significant perspectives found in individuals; the individuals who are devotees (or one's who trust and serve God) and the individuals who are non-adherents (the individuals who question God, either transparently or in their souls). At long last, Sura 2 the recounts rehearses one must perform to show his confidence in God and for the most part how you should approach carrying on with your life. The content opens by saying, This Book isn't to be questioned, in other words, God's position must not be tested. It says that God is the main God and to adore anther or uncertainty God in any capacity would realize harsh revenge. The content incited dread by saying that similarly as God had made the world, he could and would (decisively) send somebody to an existence of damnation. Anyway the Koran rushes to call attention to that lone the individuals who question God could ever get this treatment (and even those individuals he would excuse on the off chance that they really put stock in him). To all others it is said that he gives liberally and is excusing and permissive. God is likewise portrayed all through Sura 2 as knowing about all things, and as being mindful of whatever you do. There can be no scrutinizing his capacity and no chance to get of concealing your actual musings from him. Additionally depicted are two significant mentalities among the individuals, devotees and non-adherents. Adherents are those individuals who epitomize similar attributes that are found in God, they are magnanimous, genuine, mindful, and so forth. All the more critically however, is the way that they are upright according to God since they dread, love and express gratefulness to him. Non-devotees are depicted as being, hard of hearing, imbecilic, and visually impaired and it is said that they know nothing. They are the ones who smother portions of the Holy Scriptures and murder God's witnesses. Upon the arrival of retribution God won't excuse these individuals, their may be a woeful discipline for them. Sura 2 sets up what is by all accounts laws or maybe the correct method to show your thankfulness for God. It affirms of battling just in counter or in the resistance of God's name. It additionally manages issues like marriage, separation, drinking, and betting. With respect to petition and love the content is exact about the dates and term an individual should take a journey or quick. One thing that was entirely recognizable to was the appearing omitcion of the possibility of God's supremacy. On various events there was notice of God's preeminent information, yet I was unable to discover any event where his capacity was alluded to.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Effect of imperialism on the Rwandan genocide Essay
There is a ton of history in a little nation like Rwanda. The first occupants were the ethnic Twa. By the tenth century, Hutu ranchers were built up there. Tutsi warriors with cows showed up after the fourteenth century. Tutsi shaped a government by the sixteenth century. All clans shared a typical language and culture, and there were no race issues until the twentieth century. (4) Germany was the main European nation to colonize Rwanda in 1899, regulating it in a roundabout way through the current lord. Belgium took control in 1916, during World War I. Belgium got it as a League of Nations order in 1919 and proceeded with roundabout guideline however rebuilt the framework to build ethnic divisions. (4) The Belgians supported the Tutsi over the Hutu and Twa, which was a serious mix-up that caused tremendous issues later on and loads of bigotry. (5) In 1946 Rwanda turned into an UN trust an area managed by Belgium. (5) Pressure rose during the 1950s as Hutu challenged Tutsi for rights and casting a ballot. Savagery spread rapidly after the Hutu sub-boss was assaulted by the Tutsi. Numerous Tutsis kicked the bucket or fled to neighboring nations. Belgian soldiers mediated and set up a strategy inversion, with a Hutu-drove government. (4) With democratization experiencing Africa, government was canceled in 1961 and Rwanda increased total freedom in 1962, as two nations, Rwanda and Burundi. (5) Tutsi banishes proceeded with assaults on Hutu all through the 60s. The First Republic, drove by Hutu, finished with a 1973 disobedience composed by the Hutu Minister of Defense, Juvenal Habyarimana. Tutsi delights in Uganda framed the Rwandan Patriotic Front, or the RPF, and attacked Rwanda in 1990. The contention finished in 1993 with a force sharing understanding bargain. Be that as it may, the harmony was broken again when Habyarimana’s plane was shot down in April 1994. (5) Know one knew whether it was Hutus that killed the plane, however they were charged in any case. â€Å"Hutu government officials contradicted to the late president Juvenal Habyarimana were focused in the initial scarcely any days after the plane accident, which presently can't seem to be acceptably clarified. Be that as it may, presently the killings appear to be coordinated absolutely against Tutsis,†as per Hilsum. (1) This was the endâ of the Second Republic and the start of a 100-day efficient destructive frenzy. Many thousands fled to neighboring Burundi, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zaire (presently the Congo). The RPF retaliated and took control on July 4, 1994. Thousands fled from the RPF advance and numerous kicked the bucket from malady and unsanitary conditions. In 1996 Hutu outcasts became focuses of Tutsi brutality, and Hutu warriors assaulted the Tutsi. Rwanda sent local army to crush the Zairian troops helping the Hutus. Most displaced people were sent back to Rwanda, yet some stayed to dispatch guerilla assaults in northwestern Rwanda. (4) Courts were set up for 124,000 individuals for wrongdoings during the annihilation. The principal Hutu president was chosen in 2000 when the old president surrendered. Preliminaries are as yet going on today, accusing individuals of war violations during the decimation. On account of the extraordinary scars of Rwanda’s history in the only remaining century, Rwanda today has an exceptionally powerless economy and is extremely lacking modernly. The items are for the most part rural, and the majority of the populace are resource ranchers. The primary harvests comprise of espresso and tea. Likewise developed are bananas, beans, cassava, dairy cattle, pyrethrum, sorghum, and yams. The main mining assets are tin and wolframite. An absence of fruitful soil limits rural development. (4) Rwanda just exchanges with Uganda due to awful relations with different nations. This makes exchange over the top expensive there along these lines. (5) Christianity was presented in Rwanda by preachers in the mid twentieth century. Today 65% are Catholic, 9% Protestant, 1% Muslim, and 25% follow indigenous convictions. Ethnic clans are still for the most part Hutu and Tutsi, which are currently serene. 90% are Hutu, the majority of the rest are Tutsi, and just 1% are Twa. The official dialects spoken in Rwanda are English, French, and Kinyarwanda, a Bantu language. (4,5) Autonomy Day is commended on July 1. The administration comprises of the President and Transitional National Assembly of 70 seats. Nearby races set up gatherings answerable for neighborhood debates, minor wrongdoing, charge assortment, and pay rates for educators and specialists. The nation is exceptionally packed and there is bunches of infection. (5) The greater part of the issues in Rwanda in the only remaining century were brought about by dominion. The slaughter in Rwanda influenced its neighboring nations too, and a huge number of Hutus and Tutsis were likewise murdered in Burundi by comparative issues there. The staggering measure of bigotry and despise in the very heart of Africa was started by the frontier structure upheld by Germany and afterward Belgium. As indicated by Dowden, the Tutsi, making up just about 10% of the populace, â€Å"were a sort of primitive steers claiming nobility who reigned over the Hutu peasants.†Belgians gave the Tutsis a major preferred position in instruction, driving them to have proficient employments. (2) Before the Europeans came there was harmony in Africa. Be that as it may, after voracious nineteenth century European government officials involved the African mainland, oppressing or manhandling its kin, ethnic clashes broke out all over Africa, trailed by an era of gore. The contentions and the present issues in Africa could have been forestalled if colonialism wouldn’t have existed. There would not have been a massacre during which a huge number of honest individuals were butchered over a time of 100 days. As per LaFraniere, â€Å"The Rwanda massacre is viewed as the most exceedingly awful ethnic executing since the Holocaust. In 100 days, an expected one out of 10 Tutsi in Rwanda were cleared out, alongside numerous conservatives among the Hutu, who make up most of the populace. The productivity of the executioners, who pursued down the Tutsi at barricades and in the lanes with honed sticks, nail-studded clubs and projectiles, outperformed that of the Nazis, a few history specialists contend.†(3) The money related emergency in Rwanda and the enduring of its kin today could have been forestalled in the event that it wasn’t for so much abhor and imprudence of imperialistic European countries in the nineteenth and mid twentieth hundreds of years. List of sources 1. Hilsum, Lindsey. â€Å"Men frantic with executing suffocate country in blood†. The Independent. 1 May 1994. 2. Dowden, Richard. â€Å"A twisted at the core of Africa†. The Independent. 11 May 1994. 3. LaFraniere, Sharon. â€Å"3 indicted for decimation in Rwanda Media boss blameworthy of impelling slaughter of Tutsi in 1994†. Universal Herald Tribune. 4 Dec. 2003. 4. World Book Encyclopedia 2003. Vol. 16. 5. Culture Grams 2004.
Thursday, August 6, 2020
MLA Style Made Easy
MLA Style Made Easy When your teacher assigns a paper topic, you not only have to worry about what youre going to write about, where youre going to find your sources, but you also have to look up how the paper should be formatted and what your citations should look like both in the text and in your works cited.As a student of writing its highly likely that you will be assigned to research and write a paper in MLA style. MLA style, or Modern Language Association style, is commonly used for English literature, foreign language, literary criticism, comparative literature, and cultural studies papers. Luckily, many find this paper style to be one of the simplest to learn and write in (especially when compared to footnote-heavy Chicago Manual of Style or rule-heavy American Psychological Association Style).Lets take a deeper dive into what MLA style is, why its used, specific formatting advice, and examples you can use to guide you when writing your MLA formatted research paper.What is MLA Style?MLA style, a s we mentioned earlier, is most commonly used for research papers in the humanities and liberal arts. The MLA style guide dictates how research papers should be formatted and how sources should be cited. The MLA Handbook contains information on everything you need to know about writing a research paper in this style and will be available to you in a library for your reference.Though the MLA Handbook has very thorough guidelines on how to write an MLA research paper, its still important to read the directions from your teacher or professor carefully on your specific assignment. The handbook may not necessarily have all of the exact answers you may need, so if you need help its best to ask for the assistance of a teacher or a librarian to cover all your bases.Why do we use it?Right now you may be thinking to yourself, Why do these papers need to be in such specific formats? The answer is simple: to provide uniformity to papers so that they are readable. If research papers are written in a uniform way with citations to match then the reader can focus less on what the paper structure looks like and then the ideas from the paper can get more easily translated. Style guides also provide such specific formatting for citations because its important that when a writer has a claim to make that she can back it up with evidence to prove it, and also to make sure that she isnt plagiarizing.Though it may be difficult to see the reasoning while youre carefully making sure that each citation has a period at the end of the title and that the name of the journal is italicized, conforming to the style is crucial so that you gain credibility with your reader.How should my paper look when I write according to MLA style guidelines?Unless your professor or teacher has specific guidelines otherwise, your MLA style paper should be double spaced with 12-point font. Most papers use a standard font, such as Times New Roman, but you can use any easily readable font as long as the italiciz ed characters are distinguishable from its regular characters. MLA also requires that you use only one space after the end of a sentence.In addition to double spaces and fonts, MLA has outlined that your paper should be set up to have 1-inch margins on all sides (top, bottom, left, and right) so that your words arent running off the page. These settings can all be adjusted in your Microsoft Word tools at any time during the writing process. You should also have a header with your last name and a running page number in the upper right hand corner of the page. Some teachers may not want you to put a page number on the first page, so be sure to ask if there arent specific instructions on this matter.On the left hand side of the paper, you should have your name, instructors name, course, and date above your centered title (see image below for example). Every word in your paper title should be capitalized except for articles that arent at the beginning of the title (such as a, an, and th e), coordinating conjunctions (such as and, but, and or) and infinitives (for example: How to Write). If you ever have a question on which words shouldnt be capitalized in your title there are tools to help you make any adjustments, such as Though this tool is handy and quick, be sure to know the rules enough to spot any errors that the tool may give out.Here is an example of a MLA heading.Once you have your papers margins and headers sorted out, there are a few things to remember when you begin writing the body of the text. First, to continue the readability throughout the paper, MLA dictates that the first line of each paragraph is indented a 1/2 inch from the left margin. All you need to do to accomplish this is just to press the tab button, which gives you a cleaner and more exact result than pressing the space bar several times. Another thing to remember when writing in MLA style is to italicize titles of works, which is why its important to pick a font t hat distinguishes italics from regular text.Quotations and paraphrases should be attributed to the author by last name within the text with a page number (or line number if youre dealing with poetry) at the end in parentheses. Direct quotations that are longer than four lines should be set off in a block quotation that is 1/2 inch from the left margin. Note that block quotations do not need quotation marks to distinguish them. If the block quote spans several paragraphs in your source document, then indent the first line an additional 1/4 inch.Direct quotes from the author that are shorter than four lines can simply be written in the paragraph and can be set off by quotation marks. If you are adding any words to the quotation for explanatory reasons, use brackets ([]) to offset your words from the sources. If you are eliminating extraneous words from the direct quotation, use ellipses to indicate that the words are missing. To do this, simply type three periods in a row (…) and th e word program will automatically put in the correct amount of space needed. See the images below for more information on how to handle quotations.This is a sample MLA in-text direct quote.This is a sample MLA block quote.Does MLA use endnotes or footnotes?Endnotes or footnotes are very common in other styles, such as Chicago, but are not typically seen in MLA because it is thought that they can clutter up a page or distract the reader. The MLA guidelines restrict the usage of footnotes when they are referring to other works that may be useful for the reader to learn more on the subject. Occasionally you will also see explanatory notes, which give more details about a subject that dont necessarily fit with the theme of the paper.Though these are allowed, MLA format discourages their overuse, so use sparingly if you must. If you decide to put in these endnotes or footnotes, indicate them with a superscript number that goes after the period.How should my works cited look according to MLA style guidelines?The works cited page is one of the most important pieces of your research paper, as it lists all of the research you have cited throughout the paragraphs and lays them out for the reader to verify your facts. The works cited page is also one of the most labor-intensive parts of a research paper, and its crucial to know what goes into it while youre researching so you dont have to retrace your steps later on.There have been some updates with the newest edition of the MLA Handbook to keep up with the modern era of research. Before the eighth edition, each kind of citation had a particular way of being written up, but now that has all changed. According to the MLA website: Previous editions of the MLA Handbook provided separate instructions for each format, and new formats required additional instructions. In this groundbreaking new edition of its best-selling handbook, the MLA recommends instead one universal set of guidelines, which writers can apply to any type of source.Luckily for us, this new edition means that theres been a lot of simplification in the citation process. Still, you need to ensure that you are gathering all of the right ingredients for your citation.To begin putting together your works cited, you will need to start with a separate page in your document. The page should have a centered title that says, Works Cited, with no underlining, italics, or bold applied. Like the other pages in the paper, be sure to double space your works cited page.The individual citations should have a hanging indent, which means that the first line of the citation is flush with the margin and the subsequent lines are indented 1/2 inch. This makes the citation easier for the reader to comb through. When it comes to capitalization of titles within a citation, use title caps for every word in a title except for articles, prepositions, or conjunctions (unless of course its the first word of a title). If the title is for a short work, such as a news paper article or a poem then use quotation marks. If the title is for a longer work, such as a book, use italics.Here is an example:An MLA citation should be as follows: Author. Title. Title of container (this could be an anthology, book, magazine, journal, newspaper), Other contributors to the work, Version, Number, Publisher, Publication Date, Location (this doesnt mean a literal location, but instead page numbers, URL, or DOI).Be sure that you are consulting your MLA Handbook for more specific instructions on citation guidelines, as this is just a loose example of what to expect.In previous versions of the MLA Handbook, the location was literally naming the city in which the book was published. Because many things are now published electronically, MLA has decided to drop that requirement in its eighth edition.When you are organizing your citations, they are to go in alphabetical order by authors last name. If your source has an unknown author, then the title comes first in the ci tation. Lastly, when citing an online source, a DOI (or a digital object identifier) is always preferred over a URL, if available.What else do I need to know about writing an MLA research paper?In addition to specific formatting issues, the MLA Handbook gives great advice on writing and grammar that are important for students to learn. Like any other kind of research paper, its crucial to check your spelling and to make sure that your facts are correct. Ensuring that your paper is adhering to MLA standards will give you credibility, and help you organize your research in a more efficient way.
Monday, June 22, 2020
Civil War Conflict Of Different Strategical Approaches - Free Essay Example
During the American Civil War, both sides of the conflict had very different strategical approaches. There were important differences in ideas on both sides1. Both the Confederacy and the Union had developed strategies that in their minds would best achieve their political goals. The Confederacy sought after independence while the Union wanted the states to reunite back together. The military strategies would ultimately change throughout the course of the war. Initially, the Confederates began the war in substantial control of their territory. They needed only to conduct a successful defense of what they already held. Both sides had some advantages and disadvantages. The southern states had the advantage of operating within their own territories and had strong military leadership. However, the Norths manpower and resources were much superior to the Souths. The North just had to focus on winning the war as quickly as possible because their supply line became more vulnerable with each passing day. General Winfield Scott acknowledged he had to take a more ambitious approach in order to suppress the rebellion. His strategy for warfare remained fairly consistent with the pre-Napoleonic conception of war. The Norths strategy was based on General Scotts Anaconda Plan. He planned to conduct a gigantic siege on the southern ports. This would prevent the southerners from getting the resources they needed. A Union naval power would be sent to form a blockade that would prevent the export of cotton and the import of industrial products and war material. By taking control of the Mississippi River would essentially cause the Confederacy to split in half. Texas, Louisiana, and Arkansas would be separated from the other Confederate states as a result. The Mississippi River was important as it was the Souths major inland waterway. President Lincolns thoughts were quite different as he thought in strategic terms, unlike Scotts. He believed the Confederates strength was inferior to that of the Unions. Although Lincoln had very little military experience, he felt strongly that the Union needed to take advantage of their large army. He proposed that the Union armies needed to apply simultaneous pressure against the Confederacy. That they needed to engage the Confederates simultaneously in different directions in order to overwhelm them. He knew the rebels could not afford to defend themselves everywhere. President Lincoln believed if the Union were to apply enough pressure it would cause the rebels defense to rupture. It was hard for him at the time to find someone who could carry out his strategic vision. General George McClellan sought to wage war with the least possible destructiveness in mind. He thought it was equally possible to gain success by maneuvering rather than fighting. General McClellan was notably a un-Napoleonic strategist and advocated for a limited war strategy. However, he would come to the realization that it would be impossible to conquer the enemy through minimal destruction. During the Civil War, he would deliver a grand scheme of encompassing military, diplomatic, and political strategies. General Ulysses S. Grant proposed a strategy of annihilation based upon the principle of concentration and mass. His strategy to win the war was purely one of offense. At the time he was well equipped to make this possible. General Grant thought it would be best to suffer heavy losses to achieve a victory rather than to suffer heavy losses for the stalemate in which the eastern armies had floundered for three years. The plan was to focus all the force possible against the opposing armies in the field. He would send his men forward to fight the Confederates armies simultaneously, and at the same time advance his lesser forces. General Grant did not believe the war could be won without the loss of life. The overall human deaths due to the strategy of annihilation were quite massive. General Lee would initially switch from a defensive to an offensive-defensive strategy. He then opted for an offensive strategy of war. Although an offensive strategy by means of decisive Napoleonic battle would later cause his army to become overwhelmed. President Davis wanted to implement a more purely defensive strategy. He wanted to take advantage of the fact that the Confederacy only needed to stand its ground. President Davis was doubtful that a switch from an offensive-defensive strategy to an offensive strategy would be a wise decision. General Lees decision to a candidly offensive strategy was at best questionable especially since they were limited on both resources and manpower. In order for the strategy to be successful, the campaign would have to change as it could not remain one of maneuver. His design demanded a shift towards a climatic, Napoleonic battle. Many important leaders played a key role as they each contributed encompassing views which led to the outcome of the war. Each opposing side had a different view on the strategical approaches and tactics that needed to be taken. The North and the South had strong battle strategies. Ultimately the Union was better prepared and equipped for war in comparison to the Confederacy. The southern states took strategical risks that ultimately led to their own downfall1.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
slacks and calluses Essay - 921 Words
Slacks and Calluses: Our Summer in a Bomber Factory Women had different perspectives during World War 2. Many served in different branches of armed forces. Some labored in war productions plants. Most women stayed at home and had other responsibilities to raise children, balance check books, and some labored in war-related office jobs, while the men went to war. In addition to factory work and other front jobs about 350,000 women joined the Armed services, serving at home and abroad. â€Å"Rosie the Riveter,†later became a popular propaganda for women. While women worked in a variety of positions closed to them the industry saw the greatest increase in female’s workers. More than 310,000 women worked in the U.S. aircraft industry in 1943,†¦show more content†¦The only time women were treated like ladies were when they wore skirts. People looked at these women as â€Å"working class,†and they were always being ignored and disrespected. Women were not t aken seriously or given much attention. Employers denied women positions of power excluding them from the decision-making process of the company. Women wanted to be treated like the male workers and not given special consideration just because they were women. The country had no choice but to have the women in the factories. They needed their help and were not going to complain about it. They knew with extra hands that, that was going to be an easier way to win the war. The government called on to the women and without hesitation, they went. They answered to whatever work that needed to be done. They worked a 52 hour week at 68 cents per hour. They were all prepared and knew that their â€Å"summer jobs†would end soon. There work dominated their nights and days. Most of their work was outdoors as well. Even though some women would much rather be at home helping there families other ways they still managed to get their other job complete as well. Many people question if women went into the war because of patriotism or because they lacked other opportunities. Women responded to the call differently depending on age, race, class, marital status, and number of children. They switch from lower-paying female jobs to higher-paying factory jobs. While patriotism influenced women,Show MoreRelatedEssay On Slacks And Calluses742 Words  | 3 Pages Slacks and Calluses, presents the summer of 1943 from the perspective of Constance Bowman and Clara Marie Allen, two school teachers, who set aside summer vacation to help with war efforts in a bomber factory. Coming into the air craft industry, they had no idea what to expect, â€Å"We were the kind of girls who knew nothing about airplanes except that they had wings and they fly.†(p.1). Obstacles they faced included an unjust work place and harassment. Women who wore skirts and rings on their fingersRead MoreEssay On Slacks And Calluses884 Words  | 4 PagesThe novel Slacks and Calluses: Our Summer in a Bomber Factory is a story written about two women’s summer in an airplane factory during World War II. Constance Bowman Reid and Clara Marie Allen describe what life was like for women who worked in factories during this time. They explain how women’s apparel determined their social class and how they were treated; factories welcomed them into the workforce , but the world could not accept women being away from home; and some women worked out of patriotismRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem Our Summer A Bomber Factory By Constance Bowman Reid1094 Words  | 5 PagesSlacks and Calluses: Our Summer in a Bomber Factory, written by Constance Bowman Reid, tells the true story of herself and her friend, Clara Marie Allen and their summer spent working in an airplane factory in order to help out during World War II. These two women portray the bravery that women during wartime displayed, while unknowingly changing the way society would view women forever. The story of Bowman Reid and Allen gives an inside look on what it is really like to be a factory working femaleRead MoreThe Work Study Job Of Transcribe Oral History Tapes From Richland Center, Wisconsin5921 Words  | 24 Pagesbettered the United States by educating our veterans. When women went to work in the factories during the war, it was an opportunity for them to leave their small towns and experience big city life. Like Constance Bowman Reid said in her book Slacks Calluses, â€Å"helping to build the bombers that are leading the invasion is exciting†. In the 1950s, small towns like Richland Center, WI were affected by â€Å"the rapid disappearance of small farms.†This mirrored the systematic organization of agricultureRead MoreThe Men on the Ridge1961 Words  | 8 Pagesdid and being we were only there a half-dozen times a year, that wasn’t likely. Papa had a way of picking the good ones  the ones he knew would respect his family and follow his lead without question. I was fourteen when Papa’s choice of men fell slack. Mama had passed in the winter and so had the baby boy she had tried so hard to deliver. I look back now and I wonder how Papa ever made it through such a tragedy being a man so deep in the love of family. I put his picture to my chest and cry when
Monday, May 18, 2020
Open Court Observation On Criminal Cases - 1335 Words
I chose to do my open-court observation on criminal cases. Criminal cases usually involve attorneys that try to prove their argument to the judge. I felt as though this setting would be more interesting to sit and observe versus a civil case where you have two people trying to settle a dispute. Its interesting to see how actual attorneys and judges act in a courtroom instead of what is portrayed on TV. My local courthouse which is in a police station holds preliminary hearings. A preliminary hearing is where the judge decides if there is enough evidence that there was a crime committed and you committed a crime. If the prosecutor fails to do this, then some or all the charges filed against you can be dismissed. There was two different parts to this process that I saw during my observation. The first one is when the defendant waives their hearing. Then the second being where the defendant decides to go through with the hearing. During my observation there was about ten cases, and all but two of them followed through with the hearing. This was very surprising to me as I watched because I couldn’t understand why someone wouldn’t want to at least see if the prosecution had sufficient evidence against them. Also it doesn’t even give their lawyer a chance to argue on their behalf against the prosecution. The first formal person to walk into the courtroom was the public defender. I watched as he called out names, and spoke briefly to nearly every person in the room. My immediateShow MoreRelatedCourtroom Observation Experience Involved Watching Four Trials1685 Words  | 7 PagesMy courtroom observation experience involved watching four trials in Remand Court. Each case stood out in a different way, leaving me with several questions about the legal system. I wonder about the effect of court system on adolescent offenders their reintegration into society. I also question the effectiveness of the defense that public defenders provide. My last thought involves the possibility that judges may be biased in making their decisions. One of the things that stood out to me inRead MoreFour Basic Components of the Fifth Amendment1382 Words  | 5 PagesInstead, new charges would have to be filed showing the individual violated another area of the law. (Sundahl, 2011) Due process is when all criminal suspects are guaranteed that they will have the ability to question the evidence against them in an open format. This is where they are entitled to the same protections and procedures as everyone else during a criminal proceeding. As a result, anything that is denying them of these safeguards is violation of their basic rights. (Sundahl, 2011) The rightRead MoreUsing Thermal Scanning Technology Without Permission1120 Words  | 5 Pagesyou for your civil rights. The government cannot proceed with an unreasonable search. (Kyllo v. Unites States) The court issued a 5-4 decision (AFFIRMING) or overturning (circle one) the original court decision (usually referencing the district court decision). (2 points) Explain the court s decision (majority opinion) (8 points): Justice Scalia delivered the opinion of the Court: The question whether a warrantless search of a home is reasonable and hence constitutional must be answered no inRead MoreCase Analysis : The Counsel For The Accused Was Mr. Bryan, And The Crown Lawyers1090 Words  | 5 PagesSummary of Facts This case’s file number was VA 27088, and was taking place in Courtroom 75, at 10:00 am. The counsel for the accused was Mr. Bryan, and the Crown lawyers were Mrs. Steele and Mrs. Kilgore. The case was about Mr. Hamdan, a thirty-three years old man lived in Fort St. John, who accused of posting terrorist propaganda online. He also creates a website that has instructions and rewards listed for a person who carries out a terrorist activity. The crown charged him with â€Å"counseling toRead MoreSocial Constructionism Theory Of Crime And Media1253 Words  | 6 PagesStates Supreme Court and Superior State courts to both protect the publics’ right to free speech, and the rapid rise of electronic media sources that followed the constitutional right’s expansion. The ever-fluctuating court cases and changing legal definitions are in part results due to the Bill of Rights’ first and sixth amendments, which ensure free speech of the press and the right to fair trial respectively. The first amendment grants the press open access to trials and court records due toRead MorePrison Industrial Complex ( Pic )1472 Words  | 6 PagesPrison Industrial Complex (PIC) is a term we use to depict the interests of government and industry that utilization observation, policing, and detainment as answers for what may be, in fact, monetary, social, and political issues. 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The International Criminal Court first became involved in Libya on 26 February 2011. On that date, the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) passed Resolution 1970, which referred the case of Libya to the International Criminal Court. According to the language of the resolution, the UNSC (2011) â€Å"decides to refer the situation in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya since 15 February 2011 to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court†(para. 24). Additionally the UNSC (2011)Read MoreData Collection Techniques And Methods1316 Words  | 6 Pagesdata collection techniques in many cases vary along a continuum, for instance at one end of the continuum are the quantitative methods and techniques while of the other side are the qualitative techniques for data collection (Kuada, 2012). In both qualitative and quantitative techniques, there are there are various methods used for data collection. In qualitative research for instance, the various data collection tec hniques used include interviews, observations, and focus group discussions amongRead MorePolice Crimes And Possession Of An Illegal Weapon1133 Words  | 5 PagesStudent Name: Shannon Henry CRJU 2100 Criminal Justice Externship (60159) Date Turned In: 8/31/2016 Date/Time of Observation: 8/24/2016 Court: DeKalb County Courthouse â€Å"court-criminal division†Room: 7A Case Name: state vs. Jerrell shorter Case #: 16CR1187 Incident date: 10/22/2015 Judge: Hon. Clorence F. Seeliger District Attorney â€Å"Prosecutor†: Mr. Roderick Wilkerson, (assistant) Mrs. Tia Patterson Defense Attorney: Mrs. Lee Ann Feeley Defendant’s Charges: 2 count felony murder, 2 count armed
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Rethinking Marx’s Concept of Class Does the emergence of...
It is doubtless that Marx’s concept of Class was very remarkable particularly at the 19th century era, when the implication of The Age of Reason (Aufklarung) in Europe had contributed significant supports of changes in the development of sciences and the historical of thought at that time. Nevertheless, Marx progressive thought that was manifested in the concept of class has been questioned for decades since its capacity is considered ‘limited’ and somehow ‘irrelevant’ if it is applied to the contemporary social phenomena in the late 20th and the beginning of 21st century. Therefore, class as the unit of analysis is viewed to be no longer applicable and comprehensive to answer the complex and ‘sophisticated’ problems prevailing on recent†¦show more content†¦Identity in postmodernist tradition is seen as a construct shaped in a discursive context. The concept of identity politics is under the light of anti-essentialism that later widely acknowledged among the â€Å"subalterns†. The postcolonial studies used this term to â€Å"those social groupsâ€â€migrants, shantytown dwellers, displaced tribes, refuges, untouchable castes, the homelessâ€â€that either do not posses, or are prevented from possessing class consciousness†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Glossary of Postcolonial Reader: 509). Similar explanation proposed by Young that subaltern is a name for subordinate individuals and groups who do not possess a general ‘class consciousness’. Moreover, Chatterjee highlights that they are both subordinate by ‘accepting’ the immediate reality of power relations, which dominate and exploit them; but on the contrary has the will to assert their autonomy (Slemon, Postcolonial Reader: An Anthology: 110) Let’s again draw our attention to the matter of Identity Politics versus Class Politics. However, I am not completely agreed nor disagree with Gitlin and Tomasky’s statement inasmuch as it sound to ‘dogmatise’ the modern politics perspective with its universalism and radical humanism of collective consciousness of class. It is true that there is â€Å"a cul-de-sac of ethnic particularism, race consciousness, sexual politics, and radical feminism†nowadays, but we ought to be very careful notShow MoreRelatedOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 PagesHistory and Public Memories Tiffany Ruby Patterson, Zora Neale Hurston and a History of Southern Life Lisa M. Fine, The Story of Reo Joe: Work, Kin, and Community in Autotown, U.S.A. Van Gosse and Richard Moser, eds., The World the Sixties Made: Politics and Culture in Recent America Joanne Meyerowitz, ed., History and September 11th John McMillian and Paul Buhle, eds., The New Left Revisited David M. Scobey, Empire City: The Making and Meaning of the New York City Landscape Gerda Lerner, Fireweed:Read MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words  | 922 Pagesdone some sterling service in bringing together the very diverse strands of work that today qualify as constituting the subject of organisational theory. Whilst their writing is accessible and engaging, their approach is scholarly and serious. It is so easy for students (and indeed others who should know better) to trivialize this very problematic and challenging subject. This is not the case with the present book. This is a book that deserves to achieve a wide readership. Professor Stephen Ackroyd
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Disadvantages Of Free Trade For Canada Essay - 1468 Words
Disadvantages of Free Trade for Canada: For every upside, there is a downside, and this certainly is the case for free trade in Canada. The successes listed above, also appeared in the United States and Mexico, which impacted our country. For every job that was created for them, some were lost elsewhere. Ontario, in result of jobs created elsewhere,: Lost hundreds of thousands of good manufacturing jobs. Those jobs went to States in the U.S. where unions are made weak by legislation, and to Mexico where unions are made weak by free trade zones where union rights are virtually nonexistent. Formerly Canadian products can now be made in low wage states, where unions are virtually banned, and there are no inconvenient social protections like occupational health and safety rules, or public health care, quality education, or decent social assistance rates; and then these products can be sold back into Canada without tariffs or any kind of barriers. Admittedly, during NAFTA s first nine years, employment in Canada grew by over 19% but this period of Canadian job gains under NAFTA should be set against the prior, six-year period, of heavy job losses under CUFTA. Between CUFTA and NAFTA, from 1988 - 1994, Canada lost 334,000 manufacturing jobs, equivalent to 17% of total manufacturing employment in the year before CUFTA came into effect. In 2002, Canada was â€Å"marked by a superficially impressive increase of 560,000 jobs in Canada, but 40% of them were part-time and another 17%Show MoreRelatedThe Role Of Regional Integration Essay1476 Words  | 6 Pagesdramatically increased internationational trade and cultural exchange. This paper will analyze the role of NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) in promoting global business. Besides NAFTA, regional integrations such as: EU, APEC, ASEAN, CAFTA, or others may be discussed for the purpose of comparing advantages and disadvantages of regional integration. Also discussed will be the economic development stages of countries within NAFTA (United States, Canada, and Mexico) and any ramifications of NAFTARead MoreMgt 448 Week 2 Paper688 Words  | 3 Pagesassociated with trades of goods, services and the factors of produced goods between countries (Hill, 2004). As this paper will demonstrate a proper analysis of how integration will promote global advantages in business, and will deliberate the disadvantages and advantages of integration. Therefore touching basis of contrast and comparing the development of economic stages within a region and the effect on the process of development of business globally. (NAFTA) North American Free Trade AgreementRead MoreFree Trade And Trade Agreements1408 Words  | 6 PagesFree Trade Free trade is a policy in which the government does not interfere against imports or impedes with exports by applying tariffs (Encyclopedia, 2015). Free trade is about removing barriers like tariffs, quotas, and other restrictions. Tariffs are taxes that the countries enforce on imported goods and services, they are set in place to make trade harder. This ultimately causes the price of goods and services for consumers to be more expensive. Quotas are a limited quantity countries putRead MoreHistory Of The North American Free Trade Agreement Essay1055 Words  | 5 PagesNAFTA Controversy The purpose of this document is to explore the history of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the effects NAFTA has had on Canada, the United States of America (specifically American labor and job market) and Mexico. It will also delve into the current state of NAFTA, the advantages and disadvantages to American economy and what the future holds for this historic trade agreement. NAFTA has effected many parts of the world and not just the three countries who originallyRead MoreEu vs Nafta1729 Words  | 7 Pagesareas, â€Å"peaceful co-existence†and some form of â€Å"stricter ties†between the EU and NAFTA would prove to be beneficial for both. Introduction The NAFTA and the European Union comprising of 27 countries comprise the biggest blocs in the world. The two trade blocs are also highly interdependent through foreign direct investment. In 2007, stocks of FDI in the NAFTA were 1.25 trillion euros while relevant figure of the NAFTA in the EU bloc was about 1.15 trillion euros. In 2008, the value of exports of goodsRead MoreThe World Trade Organization ( Wto )1466 Words  | 6 Pagesinternational organization was created in 1995, named as the World Trade Organization (WTO), whose members could import and export products with each other, create agreements between two or more countries and control disagreements on trade between countries (WTO website). This organization would make trade easier and more effective to its members and eventually promote a sense of development (Litonjua, 2010, 45). Two members of the WTO are Canada and the United Kingdom, which are both categorized as DevelopedRead MoreFree Trade : U.s. A And Canada1373 W ords  | 6 PagesFREE TRADE BETWWEN U.S.A AND CANADA The first thing we should understand is what is what is FREE TRADE or the meaning of FREE TRADE The definition which I can think of is Free trade is international policy where governments doesn’t create any restriction and on goods and other materials to import or export smoothly and no heavy taxes are applied so that both countries can operate smoothly and gain profit. OR The treaty in which 2Read MorePros and Cons of Nafta Essay1568 Words  | 7 PagesPros and cons of NAFTA NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement, has been getting a lot of not so favorable, and sometimes, controversial headlines in recent years. Some critics blame it for the current labor shortages in the United States, due to the fact that most U.S. companies have been and continue to outsource and ship jobs overseas. However, its proponents have been hailing it as a great success in helping lowering national prices on certain manufactured goods and services andRead MoreEssay Regional Analysis: North American Free Trade Agreement1482 Words  | 6 PagesAmerican Free Trade Agreement In todays globalized economies, virtually every country in the world belongs to some form of regional integrated trade organization whether by direct membership, bilateral or multilateral agreement. Regional integration is a process by which sovereign states in a particular region enter into an agreement to promote economic growth through the reduction of barriers to trade restrictions and safeguard common interests such as the environment. The removal of trade barriersRead MoreCanada Joining Trans-Pacific Partnership Essay1502 Words  | 7 Pages Introduction: Pros and Cons of Canada Joining Trans-Pacific Partnership Trans-Pacific Partnership is a trade block that seeks to bring together countries from the Asian continent with those in the South and North America, especially those sharing the pacific coastline. The partnership was initiated by a total of four countries including Brunei, Chile, New Zealand, and Singapore. However, since its establishment in the year 2005, the number of interested parties has increased to the current 12 countries
Walmart Free Essays
WAL-MART’S COST LEADERSHIP STRATEGY HISTORY OF WALMART ? 1962, Sam Walton starts WAL-MART ? In 5 years expanded to 24 stores revenue more than 12. 6 million in sales ? 1972, listed in New York Stock Exchange MARKETS OF WAL-MART (2003) o Total Sale of Wal-mart o Total Retail Area o Total Employers US $ 313 Billion 663 Million Sq. ft. We will write a custom essay sample on Walmart or any similar topic only for you Order Now 1700,000 SALES INCOME GROWTH (PAST 12 MONTH) COMPANY INDUSTRY SALES GROWTH INCOME GROWTH 12. 00% 5. 20% 11. 50% 5. 90% NET PROFIT MARGINS (%) COMPANY COMPANY 5YEAR AVG. INDUSTRY 3. 6% 3. 5% 3. 6% WAL-MART TODAY ? Operates 6,500 stores in 15 countries ? Serves more than 176 million customers around the globe ? Employs 1. 8 million worldwide ? Health plans insure more than 1 million people ? Saves the average American household more than $2,300 per year Let us start the journey†¦. 1960’s†¦.. The Success Term was EDLP ? EVERY DAY LOW PRICING ? To provide customers – a wide variety of high quality, branded and unbranded products at the lowest possible price, offering better value for their money EDLP : The strategy ? To procure products in bulk at the lowest possible prices from the manufacturers ? Sharing the savings with customers ? Wal-Mart’s products were usually priced 20% lower than its competitors Wal-Mart’s advertisement describing EDLP said: â€Å"Because you work hard for your every dollar, you deserve the lowest price we can offer every time you make a purchase. You deserve our Every Day Low Price. It’s not a sale; it’s a great price you can count on every day to make your dollar go further at WalMart †Explaining his pricing strategy Mr. Sam Walton said: â€Å" By cutting your price, you can boost your sales to a point where you earn far more at the cheaper retail price than you would have by selling the item at the higher price. In retailer language; you can lower your markup but earn more because of the increased volume†EDLP : WAS A HIT ? This led to increase loyalty from priceconscious rural customers. ? The surplus generated was re-invested in – Building facilities of an efficient scale – Purchasing modern business related equipment – And employing the latest technology Other areas where the cost was checked ? The stores were set up in large buildings, while ensuring that the rent paid was minimal ? Not much emphasis was laid on the interiors of the store ? Did not invest in standardized ordering programmes ? Did not even have a standard distribution system in place ? Accounting data were manually written-up ? There was a high check in recruiting the staff 1970’s†¦. ? Wal-Mart became public-held company ? Equipped with funds, it started reorganizationing its business activities. ? The foremost challenge was to put in place a standard distribution and interstore communication system ? So it came up with the most popular Hub And Spoke Structure The Hub And Spoke Structure ? Goods were centrally ordered ? Assembled at the distribution center (hub) ? From where they were dispatched to the individual stores (spokes) as per the orders received from stores. STORE STORE D. C. STORE STORE The benefits of Hub and Spoke structure ? Centralized purchase of goods in huge quantities ? Distribution of them through its own fast and responsive logistics infrastructure to the retail stores ? By passing all intermediaries, they managed to get the goods at lowest price ? The company was able to replenish the store twice a week ? In 1978, Wal-Mart became the first company to establish a fullyautomated distribution center Claude Harris once stated that : â€Å"Don’t ever feel sorry for a vendor. He always knows what he can sell, and we want his bottom price. We would tell the vendors ‘ don’t leave in any room for a kickback because we don’t do it here. †Massive expansion strategy ? Strategy was to build stores around the distribution centers ? That is to be effectively served by the center and controlled by district managers and to management at Bentonville ? The store needs to be a maximum of a day’s drive away from the center Benefits of massive expansion strategy Wal-Mart was able to accelerate its revenue growth and reap significant economies of scale ? As the number of store increased the popularity of the company increased ? Since the company generated tremendous word of mouth publicity, it was able to minimize spending on advertising and promotion activities 1980’s†¦.. Maintaining cost through re-investment ? In 1983, Wal-Mart ventured into the membership club business – called Sam’s Club ? Installed the Point of Sale (POS) scanning system to further reduce the cost Maintaining cost through re-investment (contd. ) In 1987, it installed a Satellite Communication System (SCS) ? In December 1987, Wal-Mart opened its first hyper-mart in the US 1990’s†¦.. ? Supercenters and Sam’s club were more focused to fuel the growth ? In 1994, Wal-Mart bought 99 Pace membership warehouses Wal-Mart’s store count (1991-2003) Format________ year 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 Discount Sam’s club stores 1573 1720 1850 1953 1990 Super center 3 6 30 68 143 Neighbourhood markets – 148 208 256 419 428 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 1995 1960 1921 1869 1801 1736 1647 433 436 443 564 721 888 1066 219 44 441 451 463 475 500 1 1 7 19 31 2003 1568 1258 525 49 Source : Wal-Mart Annual Report 2003 ? Employed improved inventory m anagement practices and upgraded its IT systems ? Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) AND THE RESULTS WERE GOOD†¦. ? Amount of inventory reduced by an estimated $ 2 billion ? Savings of $ 150 million on interest cost were generated 2000’s†¦.. ? Wal-Mart launched a programme called ‘Store of the community’ ? ‘Global Sourcing’ was initiated (2002) Strengths of Wal-Mart Wal-mart’s SUBSIDIARIES Discount stores Neighbourhood market Sam’s Club Super center Yearly sales Total employees across the globe (approximately) Number of stores worldwide Number of new stores opened in 2003 (worldwide) Total number of suppliers Wal-Mart’s rank/position among all retailers across the globe (in terms of sales) Number of pallets shipped by Wal-Mart truck every week (2002) Total occupied floor area of Wal-Mart (2002) Yearly advertising expenditure (2002) Highest one-day sales record till date (November 28, 2003) Number of customers every week at Wal-Mart stores worldwide (approximately) Estimated market capitalization of Wal-Mart in 2020 Source : Wal-Mart Annual Report 2003 244. 5 billion 1. 3 million 4,688 274 65,000 1 50 million 18. 3 square miles $498 million $1. 52 billion 138 million $11. 1 trillion Revenue (%) of the major consumer goods companies in the US through Wal-Mart Company PG Tandy Brand’s Accessories RJR Tobacco Dial’s Del Monte Foods’ Clorox’ Revlon’s % Share (As a % of total sales) 17 % 39 % 20 % 28 24 % 23 % 23 % Source : BusinessWeek, October 2003 †¦. and the journey still continues †¦ PRESENTED BY :~ o o o o o o Prashant Wankhede Prajakta Sane R. Maruthi Yeshwanth Vikram Gharmalkar Mehul Chheda Nitin Agrawal How to cite Walmart, Papers
Investment Program for Energy Efficiency
Question: Describe about the value for money and Government sources of finance and funding decision making for Investment Program for Energy Efficiency? Answer: Introduction UK is one of the most developed nations of Europe. As the council of UK is looking to improvise its resources like electricity and water conservations which will helps to gain the clean energy system within its public offices and schools and hospitals (Albareda et al. 2010). In order to do so the company is looking for the several prgrammes and the projects this will be helpful in gaining clean energy resources within the UK public offices. This will helpful the company to gain the top position in the EU and world for clean energy resources within the UK public offices (Bladh, 2010). The study will also takes us through the various investment appraisals system which will help to analyse the best alternative programmes for the UK council. The study will also focus on the funding part of the study which will shows the council where to avail the funding. Value for money: UK is known for the low carbon economy in the current world market, public sector of UK is looking to lead by examples (Aras and Crowther, 2012). The prime minister of UK Mr. David Cameron on may 2010 has announce that, government offices, schools and hospital will be removed which may become the company to make them greenest government ever. The central government would come up new ideas and new form of energy resources which will help to reduce its carbon dioxide by 11% within the coming 12 months. prime minister of the also committed to 5 year plan to reduce the green house gases by more than 30% in coming years from the public offices, schools and the hospitals (Johansson, 2014). Local council has announced to invest more than 5 million for the introducing the clean energy system within these local offices. With the help of the project called Greening, Government Commitments is only for the public companies where government is looking to reduce more than 25% of the carbon emission via Led light , water conservation programmes and solar form of energy to save electricity (Bozorgi, 2015). Some of the explains of the public sector organization in UK are been able to successful reduce the energy consumption are Depart of energy and Climate change and Hospital like South Manchester has bale to reduce the electricity by 44% and electricity by 6% which makes the saving worth of more than 400,000 per annum (Easley and OHara, 2009). With the help of case study of the Kent county council, it has been found that, these council has been able to invest in the renewable form of energy and water efficiency improvements across the state and schools by upgrading the street lamp by LED and implementing the large solar PV installations in schools which was one of the project where the council has invested more than 358000 just for 3 years (Bacher, 2009). Apart from that, another major cases like oxford case of air conditioning system to save 161/Co2 per years which helps the council to gain worth of 42000 per years. However, the government of the local council of the oxford has invested more than 45000 (Barth and Wolff, 2009). Sources and uses of finance information for local government One of the major assessment shows that, making capital investment should be made as per the long term goals not the short goals (Campbell, 2009). The funding requirement considers the actual life of the project in compare top the sources of funding. Budget preparation as one of the major techniques which will help the council to understand which project would be feasible for the UK offices (Amihud and Mendelson, 2010). Although energy efficiency project gives the long term gain in future which is also an investment opportunity but maintenance of the energy efficiency cost is another major part which is also one of the major concern for the local council (Campbell, 2006). While assessing the energy efficiency schemes maintenance cost and operating cost must need to taken into considerations. With the help of various project appraisals system like NPV (Net present value), Payback period, and IRR will give an insight to the total return on investment in future (Carroll, 2008). However, each of them has own strengths and weakness: Payback period: It is one of the most effective ways to understand the ROI return years. The lower the year the higher would be chances of the accepting the project. However, it does not consider the time value of money (Vine, 2008). NPV: It is one of the most permanent way to appraise the chosen project. It considers time value of money. However, the difference between the cost of energy and differs can be differ from the wider level of inflations (Liddle, 2012). Apart from the above other major funding would be expected budget for the project will set the standard cost. The expected budget considers the profit and loss statements, balance sheet and cash flow statements (Cheney and Roper, 2010). The expected budget with more than 3 years would give the idea of the investment and return of investment which will help the council to work as per set standards (La Port et al. 2009). Expenditure day book: Expenditure day book will have credit and cash information where the local council will be able to understand actual cost spending. Apart from that, with the help of startup funding, council will be able to keep track of the project (Crane et al. 2009). There is been ample evidence which that expenditure day is one of the major information which will help the council and government to understand whether the project is variable or not (Ibrahim and Parsa, 2007). Apart from the above, public sector organization to fund energy efficiency project along with consideration of risk management , due diligence , audit trail and transparency compliance are some of the obligations which is needed to be fulfill before going to purse the implementation of energy efficiency resources within the UK (Jones, 2010). Government sources of finance and funding decision making Some of the major sources of finance are given below: Foundation and trust: One of the major funding of the projects comes from the foundation and trusts which regulate and monitor the prudential borrowings (Bozorgi, 2015). For hospitals, NHS is one of the major foundations where the prudential borrowing limited is being reviewed and foundation gives the long term borrowings to the hospital for the implement the energy efficiency project within the public hospitals (Cooper, 2010). Universities: Another major funding comes from the British universities which take active part in energy efficiency environment to ensure future surroundings would be more energy efficient. The British universities have their own Treasury Management policies which help the council adequately sufficient of the fund for the energy efficiency projects (Kesicki and Yanagisawa, 2014). Salix scheme: Salix funding is scheme which has been granted by the DECC and which is interest free loans for the energy efficiency projects for public sectors units (Faulkender and Petersen, 2009). Loans are given with certain criteria like maximum period and actual carbon saved by the public companies with programmes like solar and LED lamp (Johansson, 2014). Salix Scheme has helps the Bristol council for the funding of the up gradation of street light lamp from high energy bulb to the ceramic metal LED lamp (Lopez et al. 2011). This new and advance technology helps them to level the lightening as per the weather conditions which ultimately reduce the energy (Bozorgi, 2015). Salix scheme has funded worth of 2.1 million which was now generating annual savings of the more than 5000,00 within the 2 years. Apart from that, Salix scheme also helps St. Andrews university by funding the with 2 million which saves more than 600,000 per annum by installing, boiler , motor control system sand LED lamp within the colleges with average payback period is 4 years (Maignan and Ferrell, 2008). Green Investment bank of UK: The introduction of this bank is to fund only the energy efficiency projects within and across the UK. The GIB has been one of the major funding houses for the government in order to support the non domestic energy efficiency projects (Lichtenberg, 1977). GIB financing is not only funding the project but also taken initiates to self help implementation of LED street lamp and NHS energy efficiency. Some of the major work of GIB over the years is very much related to the building remunerations by led lamp and insulation (Van Marrewijk, 2011). Renewable heat and Green transport like bicycle within the university are some of the major landmark achieve by the banks. Accounting and financing helps the council to understand the actual cost and excepted cost which will be helpful for the implementation of projects (Valerie et al. 2010). The financial statements are very much useful because of the timeliness of the information that helps to gain actual time finishing of the project. Accounting language helps in processing document all aspect of business financial performance from payroll cost, capital expenditure and sale revenue etc (MariĆ¡ et al. 2011). Conclusion From the above study, it has been found that sources finance required for the funding the energy efficiency resources within the UK offices and hospitals. There are various programme like solar panel and LED lamp are some of the major value for money projects which will help the council to earn more than 120000 per annum from the investment of more than 5 million. There has been numerous sources of finance houses like GIB, Foundation like NHS and EIB. Reference List Books Albareda, L., Lozano, J. M. and Ysa, T. (2010) Public policies on corporate social responsibility: The role of governments in Europe. Journal of Business Ethics, 74, 391407. 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Friday, May 1, 2020
Master of Information Technology
Question: Discuss about the Master of Information Technology. Answer: Introduction: The Grand Wines Ltd. Organization is working on changing their manual working system to automatic working system. The change in working platform helps the organization to overcome the issues associated with the manual working of the system such as it helps in raising the confidence and satisfaction in the employees, helps in attracting new customers which in turn raise the profit of the enterprise, reduces the loss of inventory, provide the products to the customer within time, raise the satisfaction of the customer, easy retrieval of information, and much more. The proposed system to develop the automatic platform is by the implementation of wireless data entry system by making use of wireless data entry devices (Hall, 2012). The recommended system helps in reducing the error done by the human in regards of updating the information of availability of stock in the database which results in the wrong calculation of profit. The employees of the Grand wines company have the calibre to a dopt the new system in the working curriculum (Bakorous, 2013). The profit of the organization can be maximized by using the new system i.e. Wireless Data Entry System. The implementation of the new system requires some changes in the traditional working environment such as installation of the remote server at Sidney (Head office of Grand Wines Ltd.) and wireless data entry devices at remote offices of the firm. The customers and employees can retrieve accurate information from the database about the availability and non-availability of the stock (Bodea, 2012). In scope activities Out of Scope activities Acceptance Criteria Assumption The recommended project of wireless data entry system should be able to provide correct information regarding the availability of stock (Patrick, 2015). The recommended system helps in reducing the error done by the human in regards of updating the information of availability of stock in the database which results in the wrong calculation of profit. Profit of the organization can be maximised (Leus, 2008). No physical meeting should be arranged for gathering information regarding the requirement of the customers (Sawant, 2014). The recruitment of new employees in not needed for using the proposed system The proposed project is acceptable if it is able to build satisfaction and confidence in the employees. The new system should provide accurate information of the stock. It resolves all the problem of the manual working environment. The employees of the Grand wines company have the calibre to adopt the new system in the working curriculum. New customers can be attracted Work Breakdown structure of Wireless Data entry System: The following diagram shows the complete breakdown of activities which are required in developing the wireless data entry system for the organization. There are four phases involved in the development cycle of the proposed system which are categorised as planning, analysing, designing, and implementation. Every phase is composed of sub-activities. The planning phase of the new system will start on 26 January, 2017 and the process of implementation will be completed on 26 July, 2017. The owner of the company has provided six months to develop the project for the organization to make working platform automatic within the budget of 60000. Gantt chart for Grand Wines Ltd.: Budget Details: Items Proposed Cost(AWD) Cost of hardware in installing wireless data entry system 21500 Software cost related with making compatible use of wireless data entry devices 13500 Implementation cost of wireless data entry system and devices 8500 Testing cost of new system 10500 Training and development program cost 3500 Miscellaneous and other cost 2500 Total Budget 60000 Risk Register: Risk associated with the project Explanation The technology is not proved to its full extent The complete functions of the new system are not used by the employees (Ahuja, 2014). Defective wireless data entry system The defective system gets implemented in the organization which results in improper working of the system Technology is inefficient The proposed technology is inefficient in resolving all the issues associated with the manual working environment The hardware and software are incompatible to each other The wireless data entry devices are incompatible with the existing hardware and software of the organization Documentation The difference can be seen in the actual working of the system and its associated documentation Employees incompatibility The employees are not readily admit the proposed system References: Hall, N. (2012).Project management: Recent developments and research opportunities(1st ed.). Retrieved from Bakorous, B. (2013).Project management: Dissemination of innovation and knowledge management technique (1st ed.). Retrieved from Leus, R. (2008). Project scheduling under uncertainty: survey and research potentials (1st ed.). Retrieved from Bodea, N. (2012).Complex Project scheduling using multi agents methods: A case study for research project (1st ed.). Retrieved from Sawant, K. (2014).Survey paper for software project scheduling and staffing problem (1st ed.). Patrick, N. (2015). Research Grant Proposals: Sample Section.(1st ed.). Retrieved from Ahuja, V. (2014). Project scheduling and monitoring: current research status (1st ed.). Retrieved from
Saturday, March 21, 2020
5 Secrets to Getting Never-Ending Job Offers! - Guest Post by David Mensah
5 Secrets to Getting Never-Ending Job Offers! - Guest Post by David Mensah Last week I wrote about the importance of follow-up and feedback for success in your business or job search. The article, Do These * 2 * Things and Get Amazing Results in Your Business OR Job Search, really was about how to have fruitful conversations and build valuable connections. This week, my good friend and long-time business writing client, David Mensah, shares his wisdom on a very related topic: how to create a stream of job and work offers through the art of talking to people. Guest post by David Mensah Imagine this experience: You’re in the middle of a conversation with a friend, colleague or new acquaintance, when that person suddenly interrupts the flow of the conversation to offer you some form of employment! For most of my life, I have had that experience on a regular basis, and I have ultimately built a career as a leadership trainer and executive coach as a result. So when I started to expand my consulting practice to include career coaching, I wanted to see whether I could train people to do what I have done successfully in my own professional life: generate employment opportunities consistently, both in official interviews and everyday conversations, whether or not they are looking for a job. Here are my top 5 recommendations for creating â€Å"the never-ending job offer†: BE EXCITED: Choose a career that sparks your passion, and let that passion show! Your excitement is contagious. I can always tell when others are passionate about their careers. Genuine excitement is interesting and contagious, while feigned excitement is forced and boring. Discover your true calling, even if it doesnt make sense or scares you (are you an accountant who always wanted to be a dancer?) Your career is as personal as it gets and it’s worth finding out- and sharing- what lights you up. BE INTERESTED IN OTHERS: When people are authentically curious about me, I feel lucky and safe and I want to know more about that person in return. That’s the type of interest you want to create in others. When talking about your life, make sure to make time to explore the lives of those around you. You might ask questions about people’s background, work successes and challenges, or families. Explore their values and what’s important to them. Train yourself to find something interesting about everyone, including friends, networking contacts, and yes, even interviewers! In every conversation I make it my practice to find 10 things I like about the other person in the first 5 minutes. It makes me listen differently. Keep asking questions until you find an area where the other person is energized, and focus there. You might be surprised at the benefits that come back to you. IN AN INTERVIEW, ASK QUESTIONS: Come prepared to every job or informational interview with questions you want to ask. And don’t stop there. Frankly, if you are not interested enough in the middle of an interview to have a few spontaneous questions, you are probably not interested in the job or the company. Questions emerge from a natural desire to know more- to delve deeply into things that matter to you. When you ask people questions, they learn a lot about how you think and feel about them, their company, and, if applicable, the available position. Your questions reveal something about you at the same time as you learn about someone or something else. BE CONNECTED: People hire people they feel good about and this feeling arises from a sense of connection. To create affinity with people where it might not exist automatically, consider telling stories about yourself emphasizing your humanity. I have been known to talk about my most recent business failure or how my ego gets in the way of my dreams. Stories about our failures and flaws allow others to connect deeply with us and push people quickly past the surface differences that keep us separate. While connecting with others comes easily to some, it can be challenging to some people. Do your personal growth work so that you can easily connect to the new people in your life without internal stories about you or them getting in the way. SPEAK ABOUT YOURSELF USING THEIR LANGUAGE: As any conversation progresses, I learn more and more about the person I am speaking with. Once you know enough about someone, it is much easier to tell them about yourself, because now you can reference the parts of their life that help them understand yours. When I am talking with someone who values their family over everything, it is natural for me to use my love and appreciation for my puppy to describe how relationships motivate my professional successes and failures. When I talk to people who care primarily about making a difference for others, I describe my interest in coaching as a way to teach skills that they can pass on to everyone they touch. The more you truly listen to someone, the more you can use the language they use and speak to their values. You will make deep connections with people who feel seen and understood by you, and who will want to find ways to spend more time in your presence- perhaps by offering you a job. When my clients embrace these practices, not just in interviews but in every interaction with others, they start generating job opportunities. Getting excited about your own career and cultivating an authentic interest in others results in others’ sitting up and taking notice. Your never-ending job opportunity will happen one conversation at a time. David Mensah is a leadership trainer and executive coach living and working in New York City. Please connect with him on twitter @DKBWAVE or learn more about his work at
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